Aerodrome Accountable Manager & Nominated Person

Elevate aerodrome safety leadership

1 day course
£546 GBP excl. VAT
Course delivery
Classroom & Online
Face-to-face locations
London Gatwick
09:00-17:00 UK time
Course Overview

Accountable Managers and their senior staff have a pivotal role to play in aerodrome safety. This course, delivered by experienced UK CAA Inspectors, is based on ICAO, EASA and UK CAA documentation and requirements around the role of the Accountable Manager, and others responsible for safety.

The course is interactive, with group activities and open discussion.

  • Delivered by experienced UK CAA inspectors
  • Gain a greater understanding of safety accountability for managers
  • Explore the legal aspects of aerodrome safety accountability
Choose Your Course Date
Start Date End Date Venue Price (Excl. VAT) Availability Book
07/05/2025 07/05/2025 Online £520.00 Fully booked Book
16/10/2025 16/10/2025 London Gatwick £520.00 More than 5 places Book
What is an Aerodrome Accountable Manager?

The role of an Aerodrome Accountable Manager is to oversee the overall operations, safety, and regulatory compliance of an aerodrome or airport. The Accountable Manager holds ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the aerodrome operates in accordance with applicable aviation regulations, industry standards, and best practices. This includes managing key aspects such as safety management systems, security measures, infrastructure maintenance, air traffic control coordination, emergency response planning, and environmental compliance. The Accountable Manager serves as the primary point of contact with regulatory authorities and stakeholders, ensuring effective communication and collaboration. By assuming this leadership role, the Aerodrome Accountable Manager plays a vital role in maintaining the safe and efficient operation of the aerodrome, prioritising the well-being of passengers, crew, and the surrounding community.

This course is suitable for Senior Managers at aerodromes, Nominated Persons, or those seeking to hold such a post. It is also relevant to Managers of ground handling organisations. Regulatory personnel involved in inspection of Aerodromes may also find this course beneficial.

This training course will include the following topics:

  • Regulatory requirements and regulatory compliance (ICAO,EASA)
  • Accountability and Responsibility
  • Role of the Accountable Manager
  • Safety Management Systems
  • Third Party accountability issues
  • Legal considerations related to incidents and accidents

By the end of this course, delegates will have gained a greater understanding of safety accountability for managers through interactive group discussions and group exercises and be able to:

  • Define the role of an Aerodrome Accountable Manager
  • Explain the requirements related to safety accountability
  • Recognise accountabilities in the management of safety
  • Describe the related third-party issues
  • Recognise the legal aspects related to safety accountability

Delegates should be familiar with the operational requirements and issues relevant to their area of responsibility.

Meet your Instructors

Neil Gray

Safety Management Systems – Introduction
Safety Management Systems – Principles and Applications
Safety Management Systems – Small Organisations
Aerodrome Accountable Manager and Nominated Person

Neil is a Principal Aerodrome Inspector in the UK CAA. He leads a team of Inspectors whose role is to oversee the compliance and safety performance of the UK aerodrome operators with International, European and UK standards, with particular focus on Safety Management Systems (SMS).

Neil is the UK CAA’s focal point for the SMS, he has been instrumental in the development of the UK CAA’s SMS evaluation process, and he took a lead role in a programme that evaluates the suitability and effectiveness of SMS at all UK certificated aerodromes.

Additional Information

Course delivery methods

We offer two different ways to attend this course:

  • Face-to-Face Classroom Course: Embrace the traditional learning method by attending our physical training venue. Benefit from direct interaction with our instructors and fellow participants, creating an immersive and hands-on learning experience. To book a classroom course, please check the booking table at the top of this page and select your preferred training venue location.
  • Instructor-Led Virtual Course: Enjoy the flexibility of attending this training remotely from your home or office with our live virtual course. Engage in interactive learning from anywhere in the world. We deliver our virtual courses via Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Webex. Once your booking is confirmed, we will notify you of the platform on which your selected course will be hosted. To attend this course virtually, look for the ‘online’ venue option in the booking table above.

Please note that course durations may vary slightly between our face-to-face and virtual deliveries. Please refer to the start and end date of your chosen course.

Our goal is to offer flexible, effective and convenient course delivery methods that suit your preferences and learning needs. Please choose the option that works best for you!

If you can’t see a classroom or virtual option, we likely haven’t released the next set of dates. Please get in touch to find out when we’ll announce the new dates, and we’ll be sure to keep you informed once they are available or even add you to our waiting list.

Photo Gallery

Course photos coming soon.

Further reading

EASA Regulations relating to Aerodromes
UK Aerodromes that fall within the scope of EASA will be subject to regulations set by EU/EASA. Open to public use and which serve commercial air transport and where operations using instrument approach or departure procedures are provided.

ICAO Annex Booklet
(See page 25-26 for Annex 14 – Aerodromes).

In-company delivery

We can also tailor this training course to suit your organisation’s training requirements. These bespoke training packages can be delivered at your organisation’s location – almost anywhere, worldwide. Please Contact us for more information and to discuss your requirements.

VAT information

Please ensure you have your company VAT number available when booking. For additional information regarding VAT please click here.


To help make your decision about booking training with CAAi, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions.

If your question isn’t answered, please get in touch and speak to a member of our training team.

Questions and Answers

Course Reviews

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Let’s talk

If you’d like to speak with us about your training requirements,
our friendly team are here to help.
+44 (0)330 022 4401
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