On behalf of ICAO, we have developed a suite of educational materials to promote the importance of a positive security culture in civil aviation. The free resources include an interactive e-Learning course, videos, discussion cards and a set of customisable resources to raise awareness of good security practices within your organisation.

Fundamentals of Security Culture
This interactive Security Culture course offers a comprehensive understanding of security culture and its importance in aviation.
The course provides users with a clear message of what is expected of them regarding their security posture, behaviours and an appreciation of what practical actions they (and others) should undertake to implement an effective security culture.
Security Culture Film
View, share and download two educational films, to raise aviation security awareness and highlight that “Security is Everyone’s Responsibility”.
This 9-minute video is intended for all staff – perfect for internal training, briefings and inductions.
This shorter video briefs Senior Managers and Executives on the role they play.

Discussion Cards
A suite of ‘Discussion Cards’ are available in each ICAO language to help organisations initiate meaningful discussions about security culture with their staff.
Customisable Resources
Available in each of the ICAO languages, download and customise a suite of materials to help promote a strong and effective security culture within your organisation.