Airports and Air Traffic Services

Sectors we serve

The UK CAA regulates over 140 airports and around 60 Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) across more than 100 locations. Our direct access to this expertise uniquely positions us to guide international airports and ANSPs on certification processes, infrastructure development, environmental issues, and more
Aerodrome & ANSP Certification
One of our key strengths is in assisting Airports and Air Navigation Services Providers to comply with ICAO and European requirements.

Airport Certification

We can provide guidance to Airports to meet the Aerodrome Certification requirements set up by their regulator. We could also assist regulators on the Certification process in line with ICAO and EASA regulations.

Aerodromes Safeguarding
Safeguarding is the process used to ensure the safety of aircraft while taking off, landing or flying in the vicinity of Aerodromes. It is achieved by establishing a series of Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) that define the limits to which objects may project into the airspace. We can advise Aerodromes how to achieve this and produce a detailed and tailored recommendation report to support safeguarding.

Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Standards
The Communication Navigation Surveillance (CNS)/Air Traffic Management (ATM) Standards Section specifically:

  • Approves radio communications equipment and radio navigational aids for sporting, offshore and Operator Proficiency Check (OPC) users
  • Approves and oversees Flight Inspection Organisations
  • Provides specialist input to audits and approvals managed by regional offices
  • Provides specialist input to UK and International safety regulation forums, groups etc, and contributes to the development of legislation, requirements, Standards and Recommended Practices
  • We are also able to provide specialist input to overseas contracts, audits and regulatory support covering all the above or similar topics.

Air Traffic Services Safety Regulation
We can provide the following services for a variety of clients including National Aviation Authorities (NAAs) and ANSPs:

  • Guidance on oversight
  • Auditing services
  • Arrangement advice
  • Specialist Air Traffic Management (ATM) technical advice and guidance.

Our 1-day Air Traffic Services Safety Regulation training course provides an introduction and overview to the subject of Air Traffic Service Safety Regulation.

We can offer a technical advisory service for a range Communications and related systems, including:

  • The Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network (AFTN)
  • Aeronautical Communications Systems, such as HF, VHF and UHF radio telephony systems
  • Aeronautical Data Link Systems, such as Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC)
  • Air Traffic Information Systems (ATIS) Airport weather services (Volume Meteorological (VOLMET]).

Airspace Policy
We can provide assistance regarding the allocation of their airspace, the planning process as well as the subsequent implementation activities and day to day management.

Airport Lighting
Advice on specifications, aeronautical ground lighting layouts and systems.

Air Traffic Services Approval
We provide guidance on the following:

  • Air Traffic Control training organisation approvals
  • Air Traffic Control Unit approvals
  • Air Navigation Service Providers approval continued regulatory oversight through auditing against European Regulations.

Airspace Design
We can provide support to determine an airspace design that suitably balances the needs of all airspace users and other interested parties.

Procedure Design
We provide Instrument Flight Procedure (IFP) design services, that includes initial survey through to the design of any ground-based or satellite based procedure to the review of an existing procedure as part of an impact assessment or the review of a proposed procedure designed by a third party.

Runway Incursions / Excursions
Aerodrome Licence Holders should be aware of the hazards presented to aircraft by runway incursions and focus on preventative measures. We are able to assist with proactive measures to reduce the likelihood of a runway incursion occurring and raise the awareness of the associated hazards to all Aerodrome users.

We can offer a technical advisory service for a range Surveillance and related systems, including the review of safety assurances connected to:

  • Primary Surveillance Radar
  • Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)
  • SSR Mode S Systems
  • Multilateration Systems
  • ADS-B systems
  • Surface Movement Radar (SMR) systems
  • Wind farm Interference Mitigation systems
  • Aeronautical Surveillance systems

Meteorological Services
We can provide the following services to a variety of clients including National Aviation Authorities and the providers of Meteorological Services:

  • Guidance on oversight
  • Auditing services
  • Arrangement advice
  • Specialist technical meteorological advice and guidance

We can offer a technical advisory service for a range Navigation and related systems, including:

  • The review of Aeronautical Navigation systems such as, VHF Omni Range (VOR) systems, Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) systems, Non-Directional Beacons (NDBs), Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) and Microwave Landing Systems (MLS).
  • The review of safety cases associated to the use of Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigational Performance (RNP) for Air Traffic Management (ATM) applications, including RNAV and RNP Approaches.

Software Safety Assurance Assessment
Assessment of software safety assurance documentation for the Communication Navigation Surveillance (CNS)/Air Traffic Management (ATM) and all other Air Traffic Safety related systems.

Data Link
We can offer advisory services to Aircraft Operators on operational data link; including the development of Guidance Material (GM) for inclusion into Flight Operations Manuals.

Airport Economic Regulation & Policy
Based on UK CAA expertise on economic policy and strategy, we provide advice on aviation policy from an economic standpoint, with the aim of securing the best sustainable outcome for users of Air Transport Services.

In particular, we provide advice on:

  • The allocation of airspace, the planning process as well as the subsequent implementation activities and day to day management. Airports economic regulation, including price and service quality. We assess the appropriate boundary between detailed economic regulation and the reliance on competition
  • Air Traffic Services (ATS) economic regulation, including price and service quality
  • Legislation in relation to economic regulation, such as Establishment/Reform of economic regulation and implementing a licensing regime for an airport
  • Regulatory issues relating to the financing of Airports and Air Navigation Services
  • Identifying, prioritising and resolving issues that affect consumers and/or limit competition in aviation markets
  • Consumer issues and competition analysis, including mergers, market investigations and competition cases
  • Passenger surveys
  • Airlines and Airports data analysis
  • Air Traffic forecast
  • Assisting Environment Agencies in relation to aviation and Emissions Trading Scheme
  • Economic policy issues relating to European Air Traffic Management (ATM)
  • Bilateral and multilateral Air Services negotiations in support of liberalisation
  • Policy on domestic and international aviation policy issues, including Airport infrastructure.
Environmental Impact
The operation of aircraft has an environmental impact relating to noise, emissions and air quality. We have technical and advisory roles in these areas and can use our expertise to influence the policy debate. We are experts in aircraft noise and emissions, leading the development of new international emission certification standards for aircraft CO2 and particulate matter.

Noise Contouring

The UK CAA has developed the Civil Aircraft Noise Contour Model (ANCON), which calculates the contours from data describing aircraft movements, routes, noise generation and sound propagation. Using this powerful data modelling tool, we can assist Governments and operators to calculate noise exposure contours, forecast the noise impact of new Airports or existing Airport developments and to forecast the impact of changes to Air Traffic Operations.

We also provide advice on the latest research and requirements for compliance with regulatory guidelines set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) regarding emissions limits from aircraft engine exhaust. We have the expertise to estimate the differences in CO2 emissions and fuel burn resulting from a change in flight procedures. This type of analysis can, for example, be used for the environmental assessment of an airspace change.

As an ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS corporate member, we provide extensive training for aviation professionals across the globe, covering all aspects of regulatory performance and compliance.

Based on UK, EASA, and ICAO international standards, our courses are quality assured by practising UK CAA Regulators – delivering training and professional development in a class of its own.

Our course specialisations include:

  • Safety and Risk Management
  • Design, Production and Maintenance
  • Regulation, Compliance and Monitoring
  • Airports, Air Traffic and Airspace
  • Aviation Security
  • Environment
  • Defence
  • Learning & Development

In addition to our open access course programme, we also deliver in-company and tailored training packages to suit an NAA’s exact requirements. Our training programmes focus on practical knowledge transfer using presentations, discussions, group exercises and practical application of theory to develop effective competencies, delivering results to individuals and organisations.

Our work across the globe
Browse our projects
Training for Airports and ANSPs

Airports, Air Traffic and Airspace

Aerodrome Accountable Manager, Aerodrome Certification, Aerodrome Operations.

Aviation Security

Security Management Systems, Cybersecurity Oversight, Security Culture, Insider Risks, Human Factors.

Safety & Risk Management

State Safety Programmes, Safety Management Systems, Risk Monitoring, Barrier Modelling, Flight Time Limitations.

Optimise your aviation system with the UK CAA
Advisory Services
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