Social Enterprise

Raising aviation standards through Social Enterprise

As a registered UK social enterprise, we are committed to investing our funds back into aviation development programmes across the globe. Essentially, raising funds to drive change in global aviation is at the heart of everything we do.

By deploying UK CAA expertise and resource to where it is needed most, we are better positioned to help develop those who will lead aviation world of tomorrow, and ultimately, make the biggest positive, sustainable impact we can to global air transport regulatory development.

As a social enterprise, we firmly believe CAA International is best placed to support ICAO, EASA, Funding/Donor Agencies and other National Aviation Authorities across the globe, working hand-in-hand in pursuit of the common goal: raising aviation and aerospace standards sustainably across the world.

What is a Social Enterprise?

Social enterprises are businesses which are set up to change the world. Like traditional businesses they aim to make a profit but it’s what they do with their profits that sets them apart – reinvesting or donating it to create positive social change.  Social enterprises exist in nearly every sector from consumer goods to healthcare, community energy to creative agencies, restaurants to facilities management. Well known examples include The Big Issue, Divine Chocolate and the Eden Project but there are over 70,000 social enterprises throughout the United Kingdom contributing £24 billion to the UK economy and employing nearly a million people.

They’re creating jobs and opportunities for those most marginalised from the workforce, transforming the communities they work in and making the Sustainable Development Goals a reality. It’s business for good and when they profit, society profits.

Social enterprises are defined as businesses that:

  • Have a clear social and/or environmental mission set out in their governing documents
  • Generate the majority of their income through trade
  • Reinvest the majority of their profits
  • Are autonomous of the state
  • Are majority controlled in the interests of the social mission
  • Are accountable and transparent
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Let’s talk

If you’d like to speak with us about your requirements,
our friendly team are here to help.
+44 (0)330 022 4401
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