Economic Regulation & Consumer Protection

Aviation Services & Consulting

With over half a century of experience regulating the UK industry, we draw on the expertise of our UK CAA Economists and Consultancy Specialists to provide advisory services to partners from across the Aviation Industry. Our advice includes economic regulation, competition and markets, economic policy and strategy, data and intelligence, service quality and consumer protection.

Our Services

Regulation, Competition & Markets

The key focus of economic regulation is to ensure that airports and air navigation service providers that have substantial market power do not exploit it.

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Economic Policy & Strategy

We can advise and help organisations to develop and support policies, including aviation liberalisation, slot allocation and price control.

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Aviation Data & Intelligence

Our experts have unique knowledge of traffic and freight statistics as well as passenger travel habits and preferences.

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Service Quality & Consumer Protection

We can offer guidance on how states can ensure the rights of their air travellers and help protect consumer’s interests.

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Our Approach

Having worked in over 140 countries, we recognise that no two States are the same. We cultivate leading experts who take time to know your industry, understand your challenges and work with you to address your aviation priorities.
Drawing on the multidisciplinary expertise from across the UK CAA, we provide in-country, desk-based and virtual advisory services. We pride ourselves on expert understanding of local markets and cultures – delivering targeted results that improve aviation oversight and compliance following ICAO and EASA international standards.

Our work across the globe

See our Case Studies

Let’s talk

If you’d like to speak with us about your requirements,
our team of experts are here to help.
+44 (0)330 022 4401
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