At the recent Global Aviation Security Symposium hosted by ICAO in Montreal (18-20 September) UK CAA experts supported ICAO by delivering workshops on the topics of Security Culture and Security Management Systems. Kevin Sawyer, Adam Spurling and Kirsty Wells discussed how to build and maintain a strong security culture, its benefits and the role of security culture in the development of an effective Security Management System (SeMS).
With the number of passengers expected to double by 2037, it is necessary for Governments, regulators, industry and academia to work collaboratively in creating a worldwide aviation security regime that facilitates growth and protects passengers. With this in mind, these workshops demonstrate one way in which the UK CAA are sharing best practise and support ICAO’s efforts to improve the implementation of Annex 17 and help delegates to achieve better aviation security results.
Security Culture is identified as critical in achieving good security outcomes in ICAO’s Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP). Kevin Sawyer, the UK CAAi Senior Manager for Aviation Security, explained that: “Fostering and sustaining a positive security culture is becoming an increasingly important tool in preventing unlawful interference in aviation. As the threats we face diversify, we must ensure that everyone in the aviation community see security as their responsibility and has the knowledge and confidence to act accordingly. The Global Aviation Security Plan sets out what ICAO expect States and entities to achieve in relation to security culture and we are happy to provide support and assistance in delivering this”.
The GASeP also describes effective quality control and oversight processes as critical in delivering sustained effective aviation security. Describing the UK approach to Security Management Systems (SeMS) Peter Drissell, UK CAA Director of Aviation Security, explains: “SeMS is in the first place a tool for use by operators, whether they are an airline, and airport or a cargo or in-flight supplier. It is about taking a systematic approach to managing aviation security in ways which serve to instil security in the routine daily activity of an organisation, and indeed its very culture”.
CAAi is committed to supporting ICAO, fellow Member States and entities to improve the delivery of effective aviation security across the world. Our aim is to offer expert assistance to States to achieve effective implementation of Annex 17 Standards and Recommended Practices, and to develop proportionate and sustainable aviation security measures which identify and manage the risks to civil aviation. Building upon this agenda, we have developed unique aviation security courses covering Introduction to Security Culture, Managing Insider Risks, Threat Image Projection – Implementation and Analysis. The courses are available as open training and in-company training. For more information, please contact our training team:
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