We are pleased to announce that CAAi has introduced three brand new aviation security courses for 2020. Designed and delivered by UK CAA AvSec regulators, the courses include “Introduction to Security Culture”, “Managing Insider Risks” and “Threat Image Projection (TIP) – Implementation and Analysis”.
With the number of passengers expected to double by 2037, the demand for an effective and functioning security systems becomes ever more profound to keep passengers protected from the range of known and emerging threats facing the international aviation system. The 40th ICAO assembly recently concluded that effective and timely delivery of the Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) by all States is essential in mitigating the wide range of emerging threats and, within the GASeP, the three areas of Security Culture, Insider Risk and TIP are prominent. As a leading contributor to the development of international regulations and best practice such as ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices, the UK CAA is leading the way by offering industry and other States this unique training.
Introduction to Security Culture is a 2-day course that provides an understanding of what a security culture is, explores the benefits of a security culture and how they can be embedded. Delegates will also explore practical tools and techniques for assessing and improving security culture.
Threat Image Projection – Implementation and Analysis offers best practice in the use of Threat Image Projection (TIP) for aviation security and explores opportunities and challenges of TIP implementation for both industry and regulators.
Managing Insider Risks examines the threat posed by insider activity and explores ways to manage insider-related vulnerabilities.
The three new courses follow CAAi’s Security Management Systems course that was launched 2017. Kevin Sawyer, aviation security lead for CAAi said: “We’re committed to supporting ICAO, ICAO member States and the aviation industry to better understand emerging threats and mitigations strategies as well as offering best practice in the use of technologies like TIP”.
These courses can be also delivered in-company and tailored to an organisation’s individual requirements. For more information, please email training@caainternational.com or call +44 (0) 330 022 4401.