Introduction to International Air Law (e-Learning only)
Achieve legal clarity in aviation online
Course Overview
Civil aviation simply could not exist without the framework of international and national laws that govern the ways we work. So what are these international agreements, and how do they affect your everyday work? In this e-Learning course, delegates will learn about the aspects of international air law that govern civil aviation and keep us all safe. The course will take around 20 hours to complete and gives delegates the perfect grounding into international aviation law.
- Designed and delivered by UK CAA Law experts
- Provides comprehensive insight into aviation law including creation process, structure and application
- Explores the purpose, role and obligations of NAAs
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What is International Air Law?
International Air Law covers the rules that apply to both domestic and international aviation. These rules govern the complex relationship between States, Service Providers and Passengers. The rules also govern the impact of aviation on the environment and on individuals affected by aircraft operations. It is a very broad subject of relevance to most involved in civil aviation.
This course is suitable for individuals engaged in the civil aviation industry around the world, from National Aviation Authorities, airlines, aerodromes to maintenance and design organisations.
- Conventions and key organisations involved in international law
- International law affecting the traveller
- How Air Law and Oversight process work to ensure passenger Safety around the world
- Infrastructure that States must provide & Designated routes for air travel
- Passenger rights
- Legal aspects of aircraft acquisition and maintenance
- Exploring the roles, powers and responsibilities of the crew for safety on board
- How the law applies to navigating the world’s airspace and protecting the environment
- How States and groups of States have responsibilities for search and rescue efforts and accident investigation
- How air law applies to operators, air traffic control and regulatory authorities in these situations and who is liable
On completing this e-Learning course delegates will demonstrate an understanding of the following:
- Identify how aviation law and regulation governs the daily operations of civil aviation
- Explain the process by which air law is created
- Describe how regulatory compliance is demonstrated and enforced
- Describe the regulatory structure and its history
- Explain the purpose, role and obligations of a National Aviation Authority (NAA)
- Identify the rights of consumers and the protection afforded to them, operators and service providers in legislation
- Identify which laws apply in different locations e.g. the harmonisation of international standards
- Development of Air Law and the Chicago Convention
No pre-course preparation is required.
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Further reading
ICAO Convention on International Civil Aviation (also known as Chicago Convention)
Known more commonly today as the ‘Chicago Convention’, this landmark agreement established the core principles permitting international transport by air, and led to the creation of the specialised agency which has overseen it ever since
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