
Sectors we serve

We collaborate closely with the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD), applying our expertise in airworthiness, policy, and strategy. This partnership uniquely positions us to advise defence organisations worldwide across a broad range of areas
Design Organisation Approvals

The Design Organisation Approval Scheme (DAOS) assesses the competence of design organisations, assuring UK MoD Project Teams that listed organisations can design airworthy material. We offer competence assessments for Design Organisations working with military institutions worldwide.

Maintenance Organisation Approvals

The Maintenance Approved Organisation Scheme (MAOS) lets the UK MoD assess organisations supporting military aircraft airworthiness. We provide CAA Airworthiness Experts to audit against MAA Standards, with findings reported to the MAA. Compliant organisations receive an MAA certificate detailing their work scope.

CAA Oversight of Military Registered Aircraft

We support the UK MoD with civil contractor involvement in military aircraft support and airworthiness oversight. This service is also available to other military organisations and aids in returning military aircraft of civilian design to the civil register.

Continuing Airworthiness

We assist defence organisations in managing Continuing Airworthiness and issuing Airworthiness Review Certificates (ARCs). Our services include evaluating their facilities and processes to help them achieve approval.

Type Certificates

We assess Civil and Military Airworthiness Certification standards for products, parts, and appliances. We also evaluate military modifications to civil aircraft and issue a Statement of Technical Satisfaction when civil requirements are met.

Civil/Military Airspace Coordination

The UK CAA plays a key role in fostering Civil and Military Aviation cooperation in the UK. Drawing on this experience, we collaborate with governments and military organisations globally to enhance aviation safety and optimise airspace use.


Our 2-day training course provides delegates with an understanding of the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) Design Approved Organisations Scheme (DAOS), the relationship with the UK Civil Aviation Authority (UK CAA) and how to prepare for the audits.

Find out more
Speak to Stephen Long about our assistance for defence organisation
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