On behalf of: European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Type: Advisory Services
Domain: Aviation Safety & Security
Period: 2022-2025

Following a call for tender, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) awarded a contract for a research project to a consortium formed by CAA International (CAAi), APAVE Aeroservices and CASRA. The three-year project is examining the impact of aviation security measures on aviation safety and vice versa to ensure continued regulatory improvements to civilian air transportation.
The general objective is to understand the nature and extent of the interdependencies between safety and security in order to assess the impact of security measures on safety. In doing so, the project should identify which processes and job roles are affected by safety–security interdependencies and which certification requirements and licensing activities are affected. In the medium term, safety risk management techniques that can be applied to security will produce harmonised risk assessment methods and support integrated policy and decision-making processes at national and EU level.
The main output is a comprehensive knowledge base for the evaluation of the potential impact of security measures on the safety performances of aviation systems, personnel and operations, including the leading indicators for measuring such an impact (positive or negative) as well as the main factors playing a role in such security-safety dependencies.
For more information: https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/research-projects/impact-security-measures-safety