We are pleased to announce that CAA International (CAAi) will be exhibiting at the 15th Global Humanitarian Aviation Conference & Exhibition in Istanbul, Türkiye. This event is organised by the United Nations World Food Programme.
Silke Buckley, Head of Training at CAA International, will be attending alongside Senior Technical Advisor RPAS/Innovation Lead, Julian Deeks.
CAAi will have a booth for the duration of the summit to allow visitors to meet the team and discuss your State’s regulatory challenges, training requirements and opportunities to optimise your aviation system.
If you would like to pre-arrange a meeting with a member of our team, please email international@caa.co.uk.
For more information, please visit: https://annualghac.com/category/ghac
We look forward to seeing you at the 15th Global Humanitarian Aviation Conference & Exhibition this year in Istanbul, Türkiye.

Image Source: GHAC website
Who’s attending the 15th Global Humanitarian Aviation Conference & Exhibition
Silke Buckley
Head of Training – International Operations (Acting)
Silke joined CAAi in 2013 and became Head of Training (acting) in 2023, responsible for the strategic development and delivery of the CAAi Training Portfolio. Silke has extensive experience in the development of Learning Management Systems and Learning technology and has over 20 years of experience in the active application of adult learning principles, learning design techniques and innovative Learning solutions. Silke has a Masters and BA Degree in Business Studies from the University of Brighton.
Julian Deeks
Senior Technical Advisor RPAS/Innovation Lead
Julian Deeks is a Senior Technical Advisor RPAS/Innovation Lead at Civil Aviation Authority – CAA International.