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© 2025 CAA International (CAAi). Part of the UK Civil Aviation Authority.
We have delivered expert advice, capacity-building, training, and examination solutions in over 140 countries; from Brunei, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Thailand to Columbia, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, The Maldives, and Sierra Leone, to name just a few.
Working in partnership with international institutions such as the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the European Union, the European Aviation Safety Agency, and the World Bank Group, our work takes us across the globe to deliver positive, sustainable change to aviation and regulatory standards. Some of our projects include:
One of our core values is to never stop learning. We’re proud of the rich talent development opportunities offered to our employees. As part of the People Plan commitments, we are focused on developing every individual to allow them to fulfil their ambitions and potential.
Whether you see yourself as a technical expert or a future leader, there are opportunities for you. Our bespoke learning and development tools include short online courses through to multi-day programmes that will help you grow; from wellbeing programmes (like mindfulness) and key skills development (such as influencing and negotiation) to management and leadership training courses and qualifications.
Our wide range of courses and resources are open to all to support you in your current role and, help you get ready for a great future.
We have an approach to performance and development that supports accountability, wellbeing, and puts you in the driving seat. It encourages open dialogue between you and your manager with regular conversations to help shape your aspirations, share feedback, manage your progression and build your personal development plan.
We are also signed up to a cross-regulator mentoring programme that gives access to leaders and staff from other regulators to help you progress your career.
We want to inspire and engage with young people to explore careers in STEM, aviation, and aerospace to support and encourage their future career choices. Aviation and aerospace needs to be ready for the future and we need different talent, ideas and values to make that happen. We are committed to supporting the ambitions and interests of everyone to create opportunities which are inclusive and engaging for all.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) is the umbrella term used to cover work promoting those subjects in education and to young people. Our work in the area is primarily about promoting the broad range of exciting jobs and careers that are available in aviation along with the skills and knowledge that someone looking to enter the sector could require.
It has been recognised by the aviation community that there will be an anticipated shortage of skilled aviation professionals in the near future.
By promoting awareness of the aviation and aerospace sector, the variety of career pathways you can take and the subjects that help you get there, we aim to inspire young aviators into this industry.
We recognise that we can only deliver on our vision with an engaged and happy team, so we take our approach to reward, recognition and benefits seriously. We strive to ensure everyone has a competitive salary and much more in terms of benefits to recognise and reward their impact.
Some of our benefits include:
At CAAi, we support several Apprenticeship opportunities. We currently support the following Apprenticeship standards: