The Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department (HKCAD) has appointed CAA International (CAAi), a part of the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s International Directorate (UK CAA ID), to provide advisory and technical assistance with airworthiness, flight operations and flight crew licensing matters.
Building on a long-standing partnership, HKCAD has chosen CAAi as a well-respected advisory organisation to continue providing assistance on a desktop basis. HKCAD, CAAi and UK CAA ID share the common purpose of sustainably raising global aviation standards.
CAAi will provide technical and advisory expertise, on various Authority matters, including airworthiness and aircraft maintenance licensing, via a dedicated focal point. The support will also include identification and resolution of regulatory challenges associated with flight operations, development of standards and procedures for various technical issues under ICAO Annex 6 and internal inspecting and safety oversight systems.
Matthew Margesson, Head of International Development for CAAi said, “We are delighted to continue our very strong relationship with the HKCAD and with the provision of technical support and cooperation. Through our strong partnership over many years, we have jointly been able to help support the raising of global aviation standards, protecting the aviation system.”.
The project is expected to last three years.