Aerodromes play crucial role in civil aviation. It is therefore critical that they operate safely in accordance to the international aerodrome safety regulations and that Aerodrome professionals and National Aviation Authorities have sound understanding of ICAO’s Standards and Recommended Practices.
Last week CAA International hosted a three day Aerodrome Operations course. Led by the UK CAA’s John Muir; Aerodromes Inspector and Neil Gray; Principal Aerodrome Inspector, the course provided delegates with an expert’s insight into safety practices and the complexities of Aerodrome Operations. The course covered extensive topics including a global regulatory overview (ICAO and EASA), the development of aerodrome policy and standards, aerodrome compliance auditing and aerodrome inspections.
Once again, the course was fully booked and we were pleased to welcome delegates from UK and oversees some as far from the Cayman Islands.
Delegate feedback was extremely positive with many delegates raising an interest for an Advanced level, which we are hoping to introduce in early 2018.
Click here for details about our next Aerodrome Operations course in London.
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