Aviation Security Instructor Certification System
Instructor certification is a formal evaluation and confirmation that a person possesses the necessary competencies to perform assigned functions to an acceptable level.
States and NAAs are required to develop and maintain instructor certification and re-certification systems to ensure those delivering aviation security training are suitably qualified, competent and have acquired necessary skills.
The primary objective when setting up and maintaining a certification system is to ensure that it is sustainable, efficient, effective and transparent and delivers proportionate and sustainable security outcomes. The Authority must ensure the effectiveness of the security system by mitigating emerging risks and creating the appropriate regulated environment for effective and high-quality security training.
Our experts provide support to States regarding instructor certification, including:
- Assessment of the current State’s certification system.
- Advice on the most appropriate approach to instructor certification in line with aviation security set-up, current and future demand.
- Supply of knowledge components for AvSec instructor certification – e-exam.
- Advice on the implementation of e-exams into a current certification system.
- Examination of instructor re-certification systems and support in the development of re-certification exams.