The agreement will cover the provision of Flight Crew Licensing (FCL) examinations for the issue of a National Pakistan licence. These will include Commercial Pilot Licence, Private Pilot Licence and Flight Operations Officer (FOO) exams.
The exams will be delivered via computer-based exam systems provided by CAAi and technology partner, Aspeq. Based on UK and European standards, the exams will utilise CAAi question banks aligned with PCAA requirements to reflect the PCAA national aviation legalisation and other specific operating procedures.
The exams will initially be delivered in Karachi by the British Council, a long-standing partner of CAAi, who have delivered examinations in many international locations.
The provision of this exam service to PCAA by CAAi will provide the opportunity to ensure that all high-stakes FCL examinations for PCAA licensing purposes meet the highest international standards of security and integrity, using relevant and modern question banks and the latest technology in computer-based exams.
Matthew Margesson, Head of International Operations at CAAi, commented:
“It is a privilege to assist the PCAA in its aim to effectively transition to a sustainable, secure and trusted examinations environment that helps to assure the theoretical knowledge competencies and examination licensing standards of individuals entering the aviation system as Flight Crew under the PCAA oversight. We have a shared purpose of improving aviation standards, protecting the global aviation system and nurturing the next generation of aviation professionals.”
Khaqan Murtaza, Director General at the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority, added:
“Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority has entrusted CAAi with the task of conducting E-exams for Flight Crew Licences. We, as a Regulatory body, are committed to meet the International aviation standards in examination and licensing as well as Safety Oversight of air operators and Flying clubs in the country. PCAA ensures the continuity of safe air travel and producing highly qualified aviation professionals to join global aviation sector. My team lead by Mr Nadir Dar, Dy. Director General Regulatory are maintaining close liaison for conducting E-exams at the earliest.”
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